Marine Life Photography

Marine Life Photographer

I have taken most of these photos while working as an underwater photographer at a dive center in koh Lanta, Krabi, Thailand. The coral reefs in Krabi, like Koh Haa, Koh Rok, Hin Daeng and Hin Muang are some of the most biodiverse in the world. 


These dive sites have an amazing amount of marine life with soft corals covered in Glassfish, schools of Batfish, Nudibranchs, clownfish, Octopuses, Turtles, Trevallies hunting, schools of snappers, Leopard sharks, Manta rays and Whale sharks are some of the reefs inhabitants.


I have an extensive collection of underwater photos for sale as stock photos or prints. I also shoot marine life for diving magazines, and destination advertisement. If you have a project, please contact me

Magnus and his underwater camera

Visit my video page to see more

Underwater Photography Galleries

Please check out my other photography galleries below. They are mostly underwater photos but also some aerial drone photos and normal lad photos.

Marine Life Photography

From editorials in magazines to destination marketing the underwater world keeps fascinating us and pictures is a way of freezing that point in time, making us able to study nature in all it's detail.

Commercial Underwater Photography

Marketing content for underwater products, dive destinations, dive resorts or dive centers. Make sure you show what you are selling in the best light possible!

Conservation Photography

Documentation, showing progress, fundraising, social media and website content, there are many reasons for marine conservation projects to want professional underwater photos.

Want to know more?

please visit my about page